
Schedule of Events

Friday, February 14 – USM School of Music

9:30 to 11 amMaster Class with Jesus Castro
Dr. Thomas V. Fraschillo Stage
12 to 2 pm Lunch Break
3 to 4 pm Marcel Moyse: Teaching Virtuosity and Musicality Through Romantic Themes by Hallie Ward
FAB 218
4 to 5 pm Theme and variation on opera themes: A new genre developed by Claudio Palazzi
FAB 218
5 to 6 pm Southern Flute Festival Flute Ensemble Rehearsal
FAB 365
6 to 7 pmJesus Castro and Zhaolei Xie Recital
Marsh Auditorium

Saturday, February 15 – USM School of Music

8:30 – 9:00 am: Registration and Vendors set up – Reception Foyer

9 to 10 amThe Art of Singing and Playing on the Modern Flute: the Philosophy and the Method by Jesus Castro
FAB 218
Exhibition Room is Open
FAB 214
10 to 12 amSouthern Flute Festival Flute Ensemble Rehearsal
FAB 122
Exhibition Room is Open
FAB 214
12 to 1 pmLunch Break
1 to 2 pmNetworking: The Key to Building a Successful Career as a Musician by Callie Brewer
FAB 218
Exhibition Room is Open
FAB 214
2 to 3 pmM.A.S.T.E.R. your Technique: Evidence-Based Strategies for Musicians –
Mississippi Lions Band Etudes Audition as a case study by Carlos Feller

FAB 218
Exhibition Room is Open
FAB 214
3 to 4:30 pmMaster Class with Maria Castillo
FAB 122
Exhibition Room is Open
FAB 214
4:30 to 6 pmSouthern Flute Festival Flute Ensemble Rehearsal
FAB 122
6 pmGuest Artists Recital featuring Dr. Maria Fernanda Castillo
Marsh Auditorium
7:30 pmThe Southern Flute Festival Flute Ensemble featuring Dr. Carlos Feller
Marsh Auditorium

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